Thursday, April 21, 2005

Relationship of Indonesia & Malaysia after arguement of Sulawesi Sea

In my opinion, relationship of Malaysia and Indonesia is not friendly.

Relationships between Indonesia and Malaysia have been tested several times since the start of the year from Malaysia's expulsion of thousands of illegal Indonesian workers to a longstanding dispute over an oil field in the Sulawesi Sea.

Since the event of laborer Indonesia at Malaysia, Malaysians and Indonesians always causing the conflict.
Economic benefit is most important for all countries. In this case, conflict of Sulawesi Sea between Indonesia and Malaysia was occured.

Malaysia has summoned Indonesian ambassador H. Rusdihardjo and forwarded a protest note to Indonesia over a recent incident which saw Malaysian and Indonesian naval vessels brushing against each other in the disputed maritime border in the Sulawesi Sea, Kazinform cites Bernama.

Malaysia and Indonesia are developing nations so that both pay attention into economic. Againist, petrol get more ecomomic benefit to owner.

The Indonesian government is still waiting for response from Dutch company Shell in the matter of the oil-rich Ambalat maritime area, a senior official has said here.

Besides, Sulawesi Sea always spreads the event about Indonesian pirate robbing Malaysia's merchantman. It is caused the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia to be worsening.

The island lies close to Sipadan and Ligitan islands in the Sulawesi Sea, which Indonesia lost to Malaysia in a legal battle in the International Court of Justice in December 2002.

Generally, people think that Malaysia and Indonesia is living in harmony because history of both countries are similar.
Finally, I hope that both of goverment can finish the problem without violence struggle.

The issue arose after Indonesia protested against the award of two oil and gas exploration blocks in the Sulawesi Sea by Petronas, Malaysia National Oil Company, to international oil company Shell in February.


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